Trädet i maj

Nu är det vår. Det mesta av snön och isen har tinat bort. Silltrutarna på dammens smältande is ser nästan ut som en målning. Och löven har börjat kika fram ur knopparna. På marken under trädet ligger resterna av förra årets löv, som uppenbarligen är av den långsmala typen. Barken är väldigt skrovlig med djupa sprickor.

Now spring has arrived. Most of the snow and ice have melted. The lesser black-backed gulls on the melting ice of the pond look almost like a painting. And the leaves are starting to peek out of the buds. The ground below the tree is covered with last year’s leaves, which obviously are of the long narrow type. The bark is really rough with deep grooves.

Jag saknar att sjunga i kör. Både övningar och konserter har varit inställda i veckor på grund av covid-19-situationen. Min kör har tyvärr inte gett sig in i den digitala världen men särskilt att de traditionella valborgsfirandena med dess traditionella vårsånger inte var tillåtna i år har inspirerat åtminstone vissa andra att testa nya digitala alternativ. Som dessa körsångare och musiker i Örebro som sjöng in våren hemifrån i en digital körkonsert.

I miss choir singing. Both practice sessions and conserts have been cancelled for weeks due to the covid-19 situation. My choir has unfortunately not gone digital but especially the fact that the usual public celebrations and festivals to welcome spring on Walpurgis Night (April 30th), which traditionally include choir singing, were not allowed this year has really inspired some others to try new digital alternatives. Like these choir singers and musicians in Örebro in southern Sweden that perform a couple of traditional Walpurgis spring songs in a digital choir concert from home.
P.S. The white and black hats are graduation caps which show that the person wearing it has graduated from upper secondary school (senior high school). In university towns it’s a tradition to wear your white graduation cap on Walpurgis Night.

Så låt oss välkomna våren med sång!
So let’s welcome spring with singing!

Fotona är tagna den 6 maj 2020.

Im following a treeKolla även in andra trädföljare på The Squirrelbasket (internationellt).

10 reaktioner till “Trädet i maj”

  1. The bark is beautiful and interesting.
    No wonder you are missing your choir. I wish I could belong to choir like the one you have introduced to us here. So cheerful and uplifting.

  2. What a lovely and clever video! And although I had heard of Walpurgis night I had no idea it was so wonderfully celebrated in northern Europe. Fascinating about the graduation caps, too…
    The tree is looking good and at least now you can get close enough to check on the leaves and bark.
    Thank you so much for joining in again – and I hope you can return to your choir soon 🙂

  3. I really enjoyed the music, thanks. I also miss making music with others!
    I think that’s going to be a spectacular tree when it leafs out.

  4. Thank you Erika for posting the choir, I really enjoyed and the celebrations, the huge bonfire in the lake and fireworks, cheered me up. I hope you, we all, will have some form of normallity in the not too distant future.
    The tree leaves and bark look like they could be a willow, and the multi-stem trunk could be due to coppicing in the past.

    1. Yes, I think the tree belongs to the Salix genus (like willows), but I haven’t quite decided which species I think it is. I want to see the fresh leaves first.

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