Rönnen i mars

Vinter har övergått i vårvinter, vilket inte gör någon skillnad för rönnen. Det är fortfarande för kallt för att den ska vakna upp från sin vintervila. Men för oss människor gör det stor skillnad efter de långa, mörka vintermånaderna. På senare tid har det varit strålande sol och vårvärme i luften. Mycket av snön har smält, vilket tyvärr har gjort promenader utomhus till en farlig riskaktivitet eftersom det numera är glashalt. Det är så halt att för några dagar sedan åkte skolbarnen på skolan här intill skridskor över skolgården till isrinken!


Winter has turned into springwinter, which makes no difference for the rowan. It’s still too cold for the tree to wake up from its winter dormancy. But for us humans it makes a huge difference after the long, dark winter months. Lately the sun has been shining and spring warmth is in the air. Much of the snow has melted, which unfortunately turns taking a walk outside into a dangerous risk activity since the ground is now covered by slippery ice. It’s in fact so slippery that a few days ago the pupils at the elementary school next door skated across the schoolyard to the ice rink!


Fotona är tagna den 6 mars 2021.

Im following a treeKolla även in andra trädföljare på The Squirrelbasket (internationellt).

8 reaktioner till “Rönnen i mars”

  1. It is definitely vårvinter here in Laramie, Wyoming. I agree, it’s a wonderful time, especially for cross-country skiing, not so terribly cold and longer days. But we need enough snow, until now there was very little. It looks like our current storm is taking care of that!

  2. Yes it is still too cold here for ’my’ tree to wake up, mind you, I think I might like to hibernate at the moment, our weather is rubbish, damp wet snow and wind – not pleasant at all! Some winters linger a lot longer than others and that has a knock on effect on the spring. This year’s might be a rather brief affair!

  3. We don’t have the cold weather you have, but it’s still pretty quiet tree-wise here.

    Glad the kids are having fun, even if it’s a nuisance for everyone else!

    1. ”Springwinter” is a literal translation of the Swedish word vårvinter, which is many Swedes’ favourite season. Springwinter is the period when the sun has returned after having been entirely or nearly entirely gone during winter but it’s still relatively cold and the ground is still covered in snow and ice. Generally the springwinter season last during March-May in northern Sweden. It lasts longer the further north you get. Spring in the north is on the other hand very brief, often only a few weeks at most between springwinter and försommar (”presummer”/early summer). In southernmost Sweden there isn’t always a springwinter season at all, or even a winter season. But they have a long and quite lovely spring season. There is no established equivalent word in English as far as I know.

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